Kindergarten, commonly known as Kindy, is a part-time educational program designed for children in the year before Prep. Kindy entails 15 hours per week, running for 40 weeks each year, and is free for Queensland children participating in a government-approved kindergarten program starting from 1 January 2024.
Contact Pioneer Kindergarten today to explore how we can support your little one in joining our fantastic Kindergarten program at no cost!
Pioneer Community Kindergarten is community funded and a not-for-profit organisation. This means the Kindergarten is mainly run by parents who volunteer for the Management Committee.
The Kindergarten receives some Government funding through Lady Gowrie which covers around 80% of the teacher’s wages. All other expenses including wages, land rates, building maintenance and provision of equipment for the children is funded through the Kindergarten’s own funds.
Term Fees
From the 1st of January 2024, kindy will be free for all eligible kindy-age children who attend a government-approved free kindergarten program at Pioneer Community Kindergarten. Kindergarten is 15 hours per week, 40 weeks per year for children the year prior to starting prep.
Pioneer Community Kindergarten programs 2024
5-day fortnight program (8.30am to 2.30pm)
4-day fortnight program (8.00am to 3.30pm)
Pioneer Community Kindergarten – Statement of Fees (2024): Statement of Fees – Pioneer Community Kindergarten (2024)